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Inexperienced Drivers

Car crashes are the #1 cause of death among teenagers


OK, so you’ve probably heard a million times that car crashes are the #1 killer of teens in the United States.  And you’ve probably already heard that the leading cause of crash is due to inexperience.

We get it. We really do. But your safety is important. And even though you think it will never happen to you, consider this: the three most common driver errors, accounting for about half of these crashes, are:

  • Lack of scanning the roadway (that includes checking mirrors)

  • Driving too fast for conditions (not just rain or snowy days … sunny days too)

  • Distraction by something inside or outside the vehicle (yeah we’re talking cellphones, loud music, and too many friends piling in)

Driving is a great privilege. And it’s fun. But we want you to be safe. That’s why we are committed to working with you, your parents, your teachers, and anyone else who can help get the message out that inexperience, distractions, alcohol and drugs are deadly.

Experienced Drivers

A major concern for mature drivers is maintaining  safe driving skills.

Lifelong Driver was specifically created to extend the driving life of mature drivers. Our programs reinforce life-saving situational awareness skills, helping to maintain independence and mobility.

Lifelong Driver is about developing safer driving skills.  Lifelong Driver uses real-life driving simulations that teach and precisely measure the skills most critical for mature drivers.  As a result, most participants notice an immediate improvement in the way they drive.

Lifelong Driver is research-based.  We use validated teaching methods along with patented and proprietary technology to make the program effective, fun and engaging.

Lifelong Driver helps you maintain your freedom, independence, and quality of life.

Senior Drivers
Happy Grandparents

It's a reality of life. Our skills as drivers change as we age

  • There are 30 million licensed drivers ages 65 and older in the United States. When injured in motor vehicle crashes, older drivers are more likely to die than younger drivers – underscoring the importance of older driver safety.

  • In 2008, older people accounted for 14 percent of all traffic fatalities and 18 percent of all pedestrian fatalities.

Issues Confronting Senior Drivers

It’s a reality of life. Our skills as drivers change as we age. The ability to drive allows one freedom and control to do the things that enable independent living. However, for many of us, there will be a time when we need to make the decision to limit or stop driving.


For those elderly persons who drive, there remain many concerns. Changing physical conditions affect driving skills, including, slower reflexes, night blindness, medication and hearing impairment.

For the family and friends of an elderly driver, the concerns grow further. We want our loved ones to maintain a sense of independence, but we don’t want to see them hurt themselves or others in the process.

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