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Traffic Long Exposure



Any activity that diverts your attention is a distraction. Recognize any? 

Let’s face it; our daily lives are filled with distractions. How often do you find yourself concentrating on something only to be hijacked by a distraction? You’re focused on one thing, and suddenly your focus has shifted to something entirely different.  And then there are times when you are focused on a task, and your mind starts to wander aimlessly. It’s an involuntary reaction when our brains go into overload especially when we are trying to juggle so many things at once.


We all get distracted from time to time and it happens too often when we are driving.  Some distractions are the result of activities outside the car and are mostly unavoidable. Others arise from our actions and the conscience choices we make.  Those are what I call stupid distractions.  Like texting while driving, searching for something in the car or anything else that we choose to do that takes your focus away from the task at hand: driving.  Before you know it, that one-time action has become a habit that you do repeatedly.  What we don’t always fully understand is that anything we do that diverts our focus from driving can put you, your passengers and other motorists and pedestrians in harm’s way. 


I don’t text while driving and rarely make a phone call but I do adjust the climate control, search for music, get lost in thought, yell at other drivers, and sometime even eat.  As defined by NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Association) distracted driving is any activity that diverts attention from driving.  So yes, I am guilty of distracted driving and I am making a commitment to change.


This month, we are encouraging all drivers to closely examine your own driving behaviors and make a commitment to take action. Changing behavior takes time, but you can do it when you have an understanding of the facts, and make a real commitment to change.  There are many factors that can influence change.  When your motivation to change is influenced by a personal choice, your ability to succeed can be greatly increased.  So Let's do It!​


Will you take the challenge?  
Change a habit that can save a life - one at a time.


Start by identifying one driving habit you would like to change. Here are some tips to help achieve your goal:​

1. Start by selecting one habit you would like to change

2. Commit it to paper - maybe even keep that written commitment visible in the car

3. Identify a motivating factor that will help drive this change (make it personal)

4. Think about what triggers this habit

5. Think about the positive action you will take to avoid the temptation to give into the bad habit

6. Give yourself 30 days to achieve your goal

When you have a purpose, objective and plan along with the willpower and determination you will succeed.

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